Senin, 29 April 2013


Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen
Last month, I met my friend. She told me that her boss fired/discharged her, because her work contract’s period is over. Whereas she has been 5 years work in that company, she also has good attendance and she is a good worker. During 5 years, her status of work in the company as contract employee. While her friend work for 1 year and he already become permanent employee. She think there is something wrong. She feel unfair and she want to demanded her rights, but she can’t do it because the contract employees don’t have the right.

I believe that there are many problems because of employee contract system. There are many bad impacts happen in work market of Indonesia. I would like to talk about the contract employee’s future, KKN in work market, and unemployed in Indonesia as result from employee contract system.
Firstly, based on UU 13/2003 about employment of contract employee, the definition of contract employee is a worker who has relationship work based on Perjanjian Kerja Waktu Tertentu (PKWT). Phenomena of contract employee in Indonesia already happening long enough, it was carried out by local or foreign companies. As we know that employee contract system as a part of capitalist world economy system, so that phenomena of contract employee a.k.a outsourcing choose as alternative to get the cheap worker, fast, and has lower risk. This system gives profit for the companies but not for the employees. They are always worried with them future. If the work period is over, they have to find the other job. And it affects the survival of the ex-employees.
Secondly, as we know that KKN is not trade secret again in Indonesia. Not only on the official but also in work market. Because of the facilities and salary between contract employees and permanent employees are different or sometimes the job for contract employees harder than permanent employees, many contract employees compete for become permanent employees. Even they bribed the supervisor or boss, ya...they who want it have to pay.

Thirdly, because of they are just the contract employee, they don’t have the appropriate rights. So....they can’t demanded them rights, if the company suddenly fire them. In this case, companies usually unilaterally dismiss, it can be the causes of  unemployed increase in Indonesia. No matter if the unemployed still young, they can easier to apply other job than old age. The unemployed who has old age will get difficulties to apply a job because of the requires.
In conclusion, the problems that happen as effect from the employment contract system never end. Such as unilaterally dismiss, the lack of adequate severance, and there is no legal protection for contract employees who will demand their right in court. We realize that the effect from this system are employee’s future unclear, sometimes it make KKN happen in work market, and it will increase the total of unemployed in Indonesia. So, I think that employment contract system is not good, because too many bad impact than advantages for the employees.

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